Medway Junior Badminton has ‘Premier Club’ status. This means that Medway Junior Badminton is one of the clubs leading the way in setting new standards for badminton clubs. The standard we have achieved demonstrates that the club has strong coaching and effective management in place and that we take equality and child protection issues seriously. All our coaches are first aid qualified and hold current Enhanced DBS certificates.
Coaching sessions take place every Saturday between 9am and 2pm. Coaching sessions are graded on ability and several skills have to be gained before progression into the next level. We have a progressive coaching program to ensure that we cater for the beginner right through to county and club level.
Qualified coaches and several assistant coaches are present at each session, to help you gain the skills necessary to play badminton. Each session consists of a warm up, learning skills and shots, a break for quick refreshments, followed by game play and a cool down. Please contact the office at Medway Badminton either by telephone on 01634 572187 or email us at [email protected] to enrol your child/children. To gain the best experience regular attendance is essential.
Please note; all juniors players should change into badminton court shoes once inside the premises. Black soles trainers are not permitted in the playing hall. If you need advice about suitable trainers please ask us.
Upcoming Junior Sessions
Saturday Sessions
Session 1: 9.00am – 10.30am Beginners
All juniors begin their time at MJB in the beginners session; it gives us a chance to see how they play and what experience they already have (if any). This session teaches the juniors basic footwork patterns and hitting techniques to build a solid base for when moving onto higher levels of play.
Session 2: 10.30am – 12.00pm Beginners 2
This is another session for beginners with the same goals as session 1.
Session 3: 12.00pm – 2pm Intermediate
This session is for intermediate players, practicing and developing the skills you have learned, developing confidence and learning all the time.
Monday Sessions: 4.30pm – 6pm Beginners 3
This session is also for beginners teaching the basic footwork patterns and hitting techniques to build a solid base.
Fees for all sessions, per person, £6 per week. Payment for the sessions are due on the first Saturday of each calendar month. Please ask for more details. If we have your correct email address you will be sent an invoice each month. We also place a copy of the invoice on the ‘Junior’ notice board.